SnapResults reduces patient anxiety by delivering mammogram results directly to your patients in real-time and makes it easy for patients to schedule future mammograms.
If your imaging center is interested in increasing patient satisfaction and retaining patients, this is the solution for you.
Help your patients sleep at night!
As soon as a radiologist has read the images and written a report, SnapResults pulls the mammogram report and delivers it in real-time to your patients via email and text message.
The result is displayed in patient-facing, non-medical terminology so your patients immediately know their result.
Patients have options when picking where they want to get their next mammogram and there is nothing more stressful than waiting to find out if you have breast cancer.
SnapResults reduces patient anxiety and keeps patients coming back year-after-year to your location by delivering results as fast as possible.
If you are trying to grow your imaging center’s annual volume, one of the first steps you can take is to maintain your current volume and keep patients coming back to your location each year.
SnapResults helps imaging centers schedule patients for future mammograms by offering a customized schedule request form.
Upon reviewing their results, patients are prompted to schedule their next annual mammogram.
The appointment request is then transmitted back to your imaging center so you can confirm a visit date and time.